6 min | 2021 | HD (16:9) | col & bw | sound
Close your eyes, eyes, eyes
Close your eyes, eyes, eyes. That you see with closed eyes may be visible or invisible.
Distinguish between possibilities and cognitions. Occasionally an object and at times, an event. May be future or a place, eyes/snow, wind, or sometimes time and aspiration, sweat and periodically desire, or the remains of those.
Distinguish the difference between enabling and cognition.
Credit Sound: Dongyong Kim Camera assistant: Taehwan Kim
Selected Screening - 22nd International Image Festival, @Centro de Investigación C-TRANSMEDIA, Manizales, Colombia, 2023 - TRANÅS AT THE FRINGE International Arts Festival, Tranås, Sweden, 2023 - 3rd Fisura International Festival of Experimental Film & Video, @Cineteca Municipal Silvestre Revueltas, Durango, Mexico, 2023