5 min | 2019 | HD (16:9) | col | sound
Eulji Native
Cheonggyecheon, which has been the foundation of South Korea’s industrial development, is now disappearing into history under the pretext of “urban slumification.” The 40,000 makers working here and the 200,000 family members they support are being driven out onto the streets.
On January 17, 2019, I participated in the “2nd Press Conference and March Against the Redevelopment of Cheonggyecheon and Euljiro,” documenting the scene of their struggle. Based on the sounds of the Euljiro makers—soldering, hammering, cutting—and their images, as well as the statements recited that day, I created a resistance video.
Selected Screening - 24th Seoul human rights film festival, @online, Republic of Korea, 2020 - 12th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, @Megabox Baekseok,Paju, Republic of Korea, 2020 *invited - 19th Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival, @Megabox Hongdae, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2019