2 min | 2020 | HD (16:9) | col | sound
I am deep in thought now
commisioned by 20th Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival
Like touching something big, yet small at the same time.
A dream that I dream only in the early morning.
Screen fill when you create an image.
The spilled drink has already taken its own shape.
A bad feeling, like walking on many ginkgo leaves near the big clock.
Survival here - with survival skills by Ed Stafford.
2 minutes : 120 seconds.
2 seconds, 2 meals, February 2.
I think it would be nice to know the name.
Like stacking pictures.
I discovered all of the people playing in the water that day.
I am now deep in thought.
Selected Screening - 20th Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival, @Megabox Hongdae, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2020